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Karissa Dupree's Blog
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Treating Back Pains the Easy Way

Long hours of sitting over your office works or doing backbreaking physical jobs can really exhausts you out especially the bones in your back. It is such a hard and painful one every time you feel back pains. This can sometimes result to you being absent for your job or work. A painful traditional massage can even come your way to relieve you form back pains. However with the aid of the modern technology, new products are developed to solve things the easy way. One of modern technology products is the invention of the modern back massager chairs that assures effective solutions to back pains. All you need to is just to sit down and rest while your back gets a pampering massage.

Posted by karissadupree at 2:48 AM EST
The Worst Wife
I have a strong aversion over many people’s wife as their attitude is entirely disturbing for all husbands. Mainly in my area most of the girls have got married at the age of 20. Their first task is to separate their husband from their family for silly issues. Moreover their mother plays very important role in doing this issue along with their daughter. This is most disturbing me in all sense and it is more issue creating for me and hence I never want to live with my wife as I am planning to lead a life with my daughter alone. If I live with my wife than I have to face a lot of issues that are so problematic and even it would collapse my life span.

Posted by karissadupree at 2:46 AM EST
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Modern Reclining Massagers
Way back in the old times, our grandparents only use the traditional way of massaging every time they feel the urge of needing a massage after a laborious day of doing hard work. A typical body massage and massaging oils are the things that are needed for them to feel the relief of body pains and nerve stress. However, this traditional way is now slowly being replaced by modern recliner massagers. This new gadget is a product of the new technology in the modern time. No messy body oils or painful bone stretching are needed. All you need to do is sit back and relax and the machine will do all the stress free job of massaging your tired body.

Posted by karissadupree at 10:14 AM EST
Friday, 11 February 2011
Becoming A Mother - How wonderful it is
Mother – The word which doesn’t have comparisons. I became so much excited when I came to know that I am getting ready to be a mom. I go for routine check-ups and my doctor really explained me the dos and don’ts at this stage. I had 2 scanning already and in the 5th month scanning, I could see my baby clearly. Baby moved his hands to the forehead as if giving me a salute. Now I listen to music, as I wish my kid to be interested in music. It is told that all feelings and moods of the mom during pregnancy affect the baby’s character. So I always try to be happy to make my kid happy. I started to collect dresses for him and it is just wonderful to imagine the baby wearing those frocks. I am eagerly waiting for that day, the day my baby is expected. What will I do when I see my baby for the first time? Surely, I will kiss him on his forehead to make him know that I love him that much.

Posted by karissadupree at 4:11 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 14 February 2011 4:13 AM EST
Monday, 31 January 2011
Trip to God’s Own Country
During last Christmas vacation, we went to Kerala in India, which is famous for its rich culture, tradition and natural beauty. In Kerala, we went to a place called Kumarakom which is famous for rivers. We felt very much relaxed when we sailed through the calm waters in a houseboat made of bamboo. We could also taste the famous Kerala food.  Even though we planned to go to some other places in Kerala, we did not feel like leaving such a calm and nice place. So all the 4 days we spent there. Altogether we had a very nice and unforgettable experience over there.

Posted by karissadupree at 3:19 AM EST
Thursday, 6 January 2011
Fountains: Perfect for the Office
Who says that fountains are only for the home turf? Well, you got it wrong then. Modern office structures now involve office water fountains as part of the architecture. This, I think, is a classy style for offices. It is also important to adorn offices so as to invite good vibes in it. It would be indeed wonderful to work in a lovely setting. This would somehow help employees to perform better and be competent at work. Who would like to work in an uncomfortable environment? So, it would be best to adorn the office to the best of what contemporary architecture can offer.

Posted by karissadupree at 11:13 AM EST
My High School Graduation
One of the biggest moments of my life was when I was able to graduate from high school. Graduation from high school was a big turning point for me. It meant I was finally able to go off on my own and start my life. It was the gateway to endless opportunities and exciting adventures. For 4 years, I worked hard and earned good grades in order to offer myself many options in life. The proudest person to see me graduate, other than myself, was my mother. She had high hopes for me and knew that I could succeed in anything that I put myself into. To make her proud and achieve my goals, graduation was a major part of my life.

Posted by karissadupree at 11:10 AM EST
Doing Wonders for the Outdoors
The fountain is a symbol of abundance. Thus, it would really be perfect to place a fountain on your turf. This can also be placed indoors if you have enough space. Truly, it would be nice to hear the water dripping. This has a soothing effect. I even would like to study when it's raining and water seems to be dripping from the window pane. Oh, what a lovely feeling! So, if you would like to get that cool ambiance, there are now many locally sold copper waterfall fountain at the home depot. Try to grab some changes for the New Year!

Posted by karissadupree at 11:07 AM EST
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
My Favorite Season is Autumn
My favorite season is autumn, because it is one of the seasons when the weather is tolerable where I live. It usually rains all winter and is sweltering in the summer, so I enjoy spending as much time as I can outdoors for the few months that the air is crisp and perfect. I also like fall because there are no major holidays (except for Halloween) to celebrate. My parents recently remarried and it’s really difficult to see everyone I’m supposed to when there’s a holiday. I know it’s strange, but I always think of Thanksgiving as a winter holiday, since it’s usually pretty cold here by the end of November. Autumn is the best.

Posted by karissadupree at 10:20 PM EST
Lesson Learned
I looked online as well as in my current city of residence. I’ve found that I am too poor for just about anything, which was depressing. Then I thought about my good fortune of being incredibly healthy as well as being in a great relationship, so the day didn’t seem like a total loss.  After looking for a car and feeling disheartened, I watched television for a while, then I searched online databases for jobs. I found a pretty decent opportunity for a corporate position, so I wrote a cover letter and submitted my resume. 

Posted by karissadupree at 10:17 PM EST

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