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Karissa Dupree's Blog
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
What Life's Really All About
I don't ever feel like I need to get in touch with the universe or nature. I get in touch with the Maker of the universe and nature every single day. I was made to bring glory to God, and that's what living is all about. I can choose to worship Him in everything, or I can choose to ignore Him. The choices I make here will make a difference as to how I spend eternity. So, I choose to spend my time here on earth worshiping God in everything, and following the plan He has for my life, because He loves me enough to have made me, sustain me, and send His Son to die so that I can even have this life.

Posted by karissadupree at 4:11 AM EDT
If I Were Mayor...
I would go out for mayor of my city. I remember a few years ago, there was an 18-year old who ran for mayor in his small town, and ended up getting elected. Why couldn't I do that? I mean, I live in a much larger city than him, but it's possible. Once I became mayor, I would try to better instill a sense of community in our city. I know there's a lot of poverty, and people just don't seem to care. I feel like if there was a better sense of community, people would start to see the problems, and be more motivated to do something about it. Also, very few people actually know their neighbors, and that's just sad.

Posted by karissadupree at 4:10 AM EDT
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
The Different Indoor Decorations
Our house is where we will feel security, comfort, and acceptance. Putting the proper indoor decorations will transform our ordinary house into an explicit one. Furniture should be present because it does not only add beauty but it is useful too like our couch and table in the living room. Wall hanging water fountain is a remedy if wall paintings are not available. It promotes a relaxing ambiance that is conducive for living. Plants are also the best. We are opted to choose plastic or real plants. Candles and lights will enlighten the house day and night. There are other choices that we can have. Each of them varies in prices, styles, and colors.

Posted by karissadupree at 3:29 AM EDT
People Watching
Nothing makes me feel more in touch with the universe than just going out into the world with no agenda for the day and looking around and people watching and taking in my environment. I like to sketch what I see sometimes, as it makes me notice the small details that I may have overlooked with a casual glance. Just seeing the speed and rhythm of life around me makes me feel connected. I don’t need to go to great open spaces to enjoy nature, as I’ve always felt that man is one of the most interesting animals to observe.

Posted by karissadupree at 3:28 AM EDT
Things To Consider Before Choosing a Floor Standing Fountains
Perhaps, you are considering floor standing fountains to be decorated in your house. These are a perfect choice because these will provide elegance and sophistication regardless of the style of your house. Floor standing fountains are made with different materials like copper, stone, stainless, glass, and steel. Choose among these materials because these also have varieties of prices. The space of your house will also affect your choices. There are small floor standing fountains that will fit for smaller houses. Large and tall fountains are best for bigger houses. These fountains require maintenance. It will be more difficult for fountains being used outside than at indoors.

Posted by karissadupree at 3:26 AM EDT
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Pass Me The Remote
I would love to watch a police drama.  There is always an element of suspense in any police drama that most sitcoms cannot achieve.  A reality show can be very entertaining, but they are seldom a show that you can only watch once.  Legal dramas are good too, but you can’t pack as much action into a closed courtroom.  I really don’t like medical dramas.  They always make me think that I might be sick.  I like the police drama.  I am drawn to the good vs. evil struggle.  There is always a clear struggle.  Pass me the remote, lets watch a police drama!

Posted by karissadupree at 5:27 AM EDT
A Great Day
The mall is such a magical place to go with $500 burning a hole in your pocket.  The possibilities are endless.  There are the anchor stores that draw you in.  There are the cool, trendy, clothing stores that the kids like.  There is also the food court.  If I had $500 to spend I’d make sure to make an entire day of it.  If you plan it right, you could easily spend all day shopping and eating.  Then you could go home with $500 worth of great DVDs, Clothing and food!  Just make sure you wear comfortable shoes and take lots of breaks on the benches all over the mall.

Posted by karissadupree at 3:24 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 27 March 2011 5:27 AM EDT
Monday, 7 March 2011
Peace and Serenity
I read somewhere that a copper water fountain is a great furniture to have if you are looking to find peace and serenity in your home. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of feng shui experts that recommend this type of fountain since it attracts and takes in negative energy while giving out the positive vibes into the home. Even though I am not really into all the Feng Shui stuff, there is really nothing wrong if I believe in them. Someday, I will be able to save up for my own copper fountain and try it for myself.

Posted by karissadupree at 3:44 AM EST
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Wonderful Spring
My absolute favorite season would have to be spring. I love the freshness that comes as plants are growing, the new green that covers the ground and the trees. I love the rain showers that wash away all the dirt and grime left over from a long, hard winter. Spring is the time of year that inspires you to start fresh, to look at things with a new, positive perspective. It's the perfect time to take a nice, long walk and enjoy the scenery as it changes and grows around you, breathing new life into a world dulled by cold and snow. It's a season of hope, change, and beauty.

Posted by karissadupree at 7:03 PM EST
Meeting a Girl
One day, as I was walking around the mall, I was approached by a good looking and appealing woman. She looked very sexy with her tight purple dress and black high heels. I was under the impression that she was interested in me, so I decided to get her number and ask her out. But, she agreed that she even invited me for dinner right then and there. When we reached the restaurant, I was surprised that she knew the staff of the restaurant. It turned out, she was working in the mall, and she was only interested in selling me floor standing fountains which were one of their newest products.

Posted by karissadupree at 5:59 AM EST

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