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Karissa Dupree's Blog
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Definitely , I would like to be more ferocious under water animal, though I love fish, but the life is too short for these beautiful creatures, either these become food for humans or animals. I would like to go to different oceans of the world; probably I would not require any passport to travel to all oceans of the world. I will also get chances to see the different beaches of the world and see the various unknown species under the water. But I think, it would not be possible in just two years, I will require more time to live under water.

Posted by karissadupree at 3:14 AM EDT
Heaven and hell
Heaven and hell, probably is the creation of man, this is basically to discourage people not to indulge in evil and do only good to all. Those primarily who are bad and do evil, go to hell, other go to heaven. For me heaven is a place, where you are happy, free from worries and stress, closely sitting with the people who are dear to you and whom you love. A life which runs smooth and you do only good to all, help destitute and poor, be happy with them. It is up to you to create a heaven and hell in your existing life, who knows what happens you a person after death.

Posted by karissadupree at 3:13 AM EDT
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Water Wall Fountains – An Elegant Addition to Your Room

Looking at natural sceneries every now and then can be quite relaxing, especially after several hours or days at work. However, not everyone has the luxury the go for a vacation even once in awhile, but you can have the option of having an almost natural view at home. This is by adding water wall fountains to your home design.

The sound of running water can be quite soothing when you get home from work. With several companies offering different design options or even customized designs, it wouldn’t be hard to get a design that you are looking for. This can be great for homes with large areas and if you have money to spare for this luxury.

Posted by karissadupree at 3:58 AM EDT
My Grandmother
If I could confront anyone from the past it would be my mother's mom, my grandmother. She died when I was young around the age of 8 and I can remember what she looked like and the way she spoke. I can vividly walk through the way I remember her house to look like and I haven't been in it for many years.  There are so many questions I would ask her now if I could. I have tried to get answers from my mother and she does not have answers. My grandmother and my mother seem so opposite. I would ask her about why she choose to work at a popcorn factory and why she moved from California to the Midwest. I would ask her about where our family roots are and what her mother was like or her grandmother. I would thank her for the dolls she gave me for Christmas and I would tell her how much I enjoyed them over the years.  I would tell her all about the years she missed in my life and ask her what advice she would have given me during the hard times.

Posted by karissadupree at 3:57 AM EDT
Getting Cozy with a White Platform Bed

If you are having problems with the small space in your bed room and can’t seem to find the suitable bed to place in it. Then a white platform bed may just be what you need. Compared to other bed designs, it can help maximize the space of your bed room allowing you to place a comfortable bed without having to feel congested.

Choosing sofa beds or sleeping with the mattress on the floor may be a great disadvantage especially in terms of comfort. Aside from that, some platform beds are designed with storage space allowing it to be more functional. With the white color, it can easily fit with any room design that you have in mind.

Posted by karissadupree at 3:57 AM EDT
Monday, 18 July 2011
Live Like You Were Dying
I am not entirely sure I have any regrets. There are things I wish I had never done in my life, stupid things in my youth really, but looking back on them I don't know if I would actually change them because they have helped to mould me into the woman I am today. If I knew I only had two weeks to live I would spend it with the people I love. There would be no grand journeys for me, no mad shopping sprees… I would want to spend the last moments of my life with those who I believed truly cared about me. That, and writing as much as I can. I would love to leave this world with something tangible to show for it.

Posted by karissadupree at 2:16 AM EDT
A Mind-Blowing Experience
Honestly, if I could change one thing about where I lived I would take the completely selfish route and build myself a huge, advanced home theater room. It would have everything: a snack bar, projection screen, surround sound… And all of the movies and television seasons my heart could possibly desire. There would be enough room for anyone to be able to come over and put their feet up (in patent leather chairs, no less) and just forget about their worries. The screen itself would be bigger than one could even fathom, capable of devouring the room with it's projected world.

Posted by karissadupree at 2:15 AM EDT
Monday, 27 June 2011
Cleaning and Maintaining Outdoor Sectional
You are lucky if you have an outdoor sectional in your garden. This kind of furniture brings elegance and beauty to your house. However, if you want it to be always looking at its best, you have to maintain and clean it. Learn the different cleaning tools that you have in your house. Make a schedule on when you will clean it and how often in a week. You can start by removing the cluttered things like books, magazines, and newspaper. You can use a brush to remove the dust and to reach the areas which are difficult to clean. Be careful in using cleaning agents as this might destroy the furniture. You can cover your outdoor sectional if you are not going to use it. In this way, you can prevent it from the dust.

Posted by karissadupree at 7:09 AM EDT
Nerd Out
I would go back in time.  I would love to see how the Native Americans truly lived.  Just to observe and not interfere.  If that was possible, I would love to go see the Ancient Greeks and really any ancient people that I could.  It would be a great learning experience and I’m sure that it could be very beneficial to modern times to see it the way it really was.  Ooh, checking out the Dark Ages would be very interesting too.  I like to nerd out sometimes and think that the “Gods” or aliens as others believe, are truly our distant future going back in time and checking things out.

Posted by karissadupree at 7:09 AM EDT
Replacing your Bathroom Vanity
Bath vanity is useful in many ways. Unlike a pedestal sink, you can use your bath vanity as storage; and, it adds elegance to any bathroom. However, you might have small bathroom that needs a pedestal sink to make it look bigger. You can remove your old bath vanity by turning off the shutoff valve that connects to the hot and cold water. Make sure that there is no water left in the lines. With the use of a knife, cut the lines that connect the bath vanity to the wall. You can then remove the other screws that attach the vanity to the wall. Lastly, you can now install the pedestal sink.

Posted by karissadupree at 7:08 AM EDT

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