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Karissa Dupree's Blog
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Music Is My Passion
I do not have the gift to be a musician but I love listening to music. One song which I consider the song of my life is “Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol. The song is present every music player of mine including my iPods and my phones. The song gives me the definition of life. It is exactly what life is all about. We are all chasing for a temporary material until we can no longer have the ability to move and that is it. The most important thing in life is to find someone who is willing to lie there with you to share with you everything.

Posted by karissadupree at 12:01 AM EST
Fancy Restaurant Close To Home
If you like going out to fancy restaurants to dine, why not try it on your patio? Invest on good quality patio couches or modern dining sets and feel the vibe as if you’re in an exclusive resort. Choose a table that can accommodate four to six people so that every member of the family can freely move while dining. If you have a big area, it’s a good venue to call over friends for some afternoon chill session. And of course, your deck and patio is a good place for couples to date. If there isn’t much room for outdoor furniture, spread a blanket for an instant romantic dinner.

Posted by karissadupree at 12:01 AM EST
My first dream in my life is to start a good business of my own. I wish to become my own boss. Whenever you want to work you can work and after that you can do what ever you want. I need a complete freedom in my work. To implement my own ideas without questioning anybody. It will increase my confidence very high and in business my limit is the sky. I wish one day it will come true. I am trying for that. I didn't planned to do a particular business till now. Doing a Government job will decrease your creativity and after a long time you will become useless. There will be no tension in doing a Government job but you will not be energetic and creative.

Posted by karissadupree at 12:01 AM EST
Bathroom Doors And Furniture
In choosing a door for your bathroom, there are a lot of considerations. First is the type of door. If you do not want to install a glass door because you are a little afraid that they might get broken accidentally and you have kids at home, then you should consider a plastic door. It can not be broken easily, easy to clean, very light weight, not vulnerable to water, and it can not be affected by soap stains. The site http://tradewindsimports.com/ is amongst the many sites that feature a lot of bathroom furniture that can be used to spruce up your bathroom. 

Posted by karissadupree at 12:01 AM EST
I Will Exercise Today So My Endorphins Will Stay
Feel your feet kick up the loose gravel in the air behind you by your new Nike running shoes. Listen to your breath as your lungs practice stretching for the new intake of oxygen every few seconds. This oxygen being that of which you would take for granted normally. Yes, exercise daily is a must need for a busy body who desires a good checkup report from the doctor and a natural increase in endorphins. I always make sure to get my exercise in every day because it allows me to free my mind up, keep my body healthy, and increase the endorphin count in my head. Although the work is hard while it is happening, there is nothing quite as satisfying in this world as that moment when you have finished for the day, ready to rest, and a job well done. My routine starts out every morning at ten with a little bit of stretching against my walls while I wait for my breakfast to cook. After eating breakfast, I clean the kitchen and empty the trashes while waiting for my food to digest. I then proceed to go on a run for several miles depending on the day. Mondays and Saturdays are 9 miles. Tuesdays and Fridays are 7 miles. Wednesdays and Thursdays are 5 miles. I naturally go faster on the days with less miles and vice versa. I think it is very important that people go out and exercise daily as it will aid them in all aspects of life.

Posted by karissadupree at 12:01 AM EST
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Things to Do Before I Die
There are lots of things I would love to if I only had 2 weeks to live. Firstly I would file a few lawsuits against people who have bullied me at school. This would give me great satisfaction. Once this has been done I would love to spend time in Europe as I have always had a strong desire to visit the continent. I would go on a spending spree with my credit card not really caring if I can't afford the repayments. I would love to buy the most expensive BMW and cruise around in it with some great friends. Last of all I would love to eat lots of take away food such as pizza, fish and chips without worrying about weight gain.

Posted by karissadupree at 12:01 AM EST
Bathroom Requires A Lot Of Attention
Many people might forget but a door is really important and choosing for the right one requires a lot of attention. There are many things to consider if you are going to change your bathroom’s door. First is what is it made of. And the second consideration is the aesthetic design. Another renovation that adds a great deal of attractiveness and oomph to your bathroom design is the bathroom vanities. If you visit here, you can see different designs that you can choose from. The bathroom is the first and last place you visit before starting and ending your day. Designing it will be worth it to the last penny.

Posted by karissadupree at 12:01 AM EST
Yummy Chips
My favorite food is chips. I love salt and vinegar chips. They are the best variety. I also love hot chips. I prefer the ones from fish and chip shops. I love adding salt. I must add at least 10 tablespoons of salt. At least there are not any calories in salt. I am currently on a diet and allow myself to have chips once a week. It is great. I don't feel guilty. Previously I used to have them every day along with other foods that were high in fat. If I could only choose one food to live on it would be chips.

Posted by karissadupree at 12:01 AM EST
How To Leave a Good Impression By Impressive Bathroom Design
If you are thinking of getting a wood door because you think that it will definitely look well with your bathroom vanities and modern bathroom cabinet or fancy sink, then you should definitely think twice. A bathroom is a place where water can be splashed everywhere and moisture build up. Wood can be damaged easily by water. So installing wooden door is really a bad idea. However, if you really like a wooden door because of its luxurious aesthetics, you can now get one with the help of advance technology. Waterproof wooden door is now very much available in the market.

Posted by karissadupree at 12:01 AM EST
I would like to Turn Back Time
There is a lot that I would like to redo, particularly relating to the previous 5 years. Firstly I would have traveled instead of working. The job I had was awful and I ended up leaving after four years. I should have left after day one. I currently don't have a job as I spent my time working instead of studying. I also spent too much time with a partner who didn't really care for me. I found out he was seeing other people during our five year relationship. This really hurts and is going to be careful who I date next time.

Posted by karissadupree at 12:01 AM EST

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